West Sussex County Council highways maintenance and improvement scheme

We formed a partnership with West Sussex County Council’s Highways Alliance for highways maintenance and improvement scheme works within the County.


of road gritted


improvement projects across footways, drainage, and signage

Since 2014, as part of our alliance with West Sussex County Council, we have delivered over 40 miles of carriageway resurfacing, 38 improvement projects across footways, drainage, and signage, as well as new road markings at William Penn Primary School, Brooks Green, to help provide safer access to the school. We have also dealt with 33,364 reactive maintenance defects, all of which were resolved within target repair times.

In 2020, our contract was re-procured as a framework and we were successful in securing Lot 1 core maintenance including winter gritting, reactive services, lining and minor works, Lot 4 carriageway resurfacing and Lot 6, improvement schemes.

For any service enquiries, please visit here.

West Sussex roadworks